By chance Yumi meets second year student Sachiko Ogasawara, who is a candidate to become a Red Rose. Yumi Fukuzawa is an ordinary first year student at Lillian Girls' Academy. The school's important student council, named Yamayuri Council, is run by three upperclass students and has three divisions named by rose colors: Red Rose, White Rose, and Yellow Rose. The second and third year students picks an incoming first year student and gives them a rosary, which means that the upperclass student will become a 'sister' to the incoming student. The Lillian Girls' Academy has a tradition of 'soeurs,' which means sister in French. While she admires Sachiko, being her soeur would also mean constantly being at the center of the entire school’s attention! The whole idea has Yumi completely flustered-after all, they hardly know each other! The entire campus is abuzz with rumors about the two of them, but Yumi is conflicted over accepting Sachiko’s offer.
Now Sachiko has offered to be Yumi’s soeur, her “sister” and guide for all her years at the academy. Maria-sama ga Miteru – When Yumi Fukuzawa entered the Lillian Girls’ Academy, a prestigious all-girls Catholic school in Tokyo, she never imagined she would catch the eye of beautiful and demure Sachiko Ogasawara, one of the school’s most popular students. › ▄ ▄ ▄ Maria Sama Ga Miteru Live Action Eng Sub ▄ ▄ ▄